60 min.
years old
In the dark underground city, dark ghosts roam... In the midst of tangled corridors, traps and gloomy rooms, frightened citizens hide... Can you rely on your intuition, hearing, smell and tactile perception to hide in the maze and then find your friends?Hide and seek in the dark is similar to the traditional game, only it takes place in the dark (with a special surround game light). The room is equipped in such a way that the game is interesting, dynamic and safe for children. Here you will find hiding places, traps, labyrinths, tunnels and other obstacles. The walls are upholstered with different coatings to orient themselves to the touch, and the whole game is accompanied by special sound and light effects.Players under the age of 14 must be accompanied by at least one adult. There is the option of having a monitor accompany them on the adventure, please consult us for conditions.San Solterín in the Dark. Reserve your spot by sending a message on WhatsApp with the code "San Solterín in the Dark" so we can assign you to a group and confirm your booking.
45 min.
years old
Do you remember the game 'The Floor Is Lava'? Pulse Up takes you back to that thrilling experience but takes it to a whole new level. Dive into an exciting collection of challenges that stimulate both your mind and body. Work as a team to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, measuring your success through time and available lives on the screen.Pulse Up provides a unique blend of physical activity and technology, where collaboration is essential. Feel the adrenaline and elevate your fun with Pulse Up today!All children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult who counts as a player.
Toni Lopez, 34
My opinion is that it's totally worth doing. I give it a 10.
Oscar D
Los amantes de Harry Potter disfrutarán mucho este escape. Mi hermana ama a HP, así que reserve sorpresa para que fuéramos juntos adultos y niños. Salimos encantados y con ganas de hacer más.
Andrea Aguado
Buenas tardes, Hace poco probamos Academia de Magia y la verdad que nos encantó, íbamos con niños de 10 y 13 años y se lo pasaron pipa resolviendo los enigmas. Muchas gracias a nuestra game master Yuri por hacernos la aventura tan divertida !!!! Repetiremos sin duda algún otro escaperoom de aventurico!!